Citizen input needed! Please voice your opinion on our proposed Bike & Pedestrian Plan.
Access the survey here.
NCDOT awarded Wilson's Mills a grant to develop the Town's first Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to identify projects that create a safer, more efficient, and equitable multimodal network everyone can benefit from.
We need your help to ensure this Plan best fits the needs of Town residents.
The vision for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is for Wilson's Mills to be a place where people of all ages, abilities, and from diverse backgrounds have access to bicycle and pedestrian facilities and programs that promote the following: alternative transportation modes; exercise and wellbeing; safety; connectivity; and celebration and discovery of Wilson’s Mills culture and history.
The Plan will focus on identifying and prioritizing 5-10 short-term and long-term multimodal improvements. The final product will include details on each project and an implementation plan.
We are seeking input to determine your bicycling and walking needs as well as specific locations for improvement. This information will help guide the Plan’s focus and shape ways that the Town can help residents walk, bike, and reach destinations more effectively and equitably. We thank you for your invaluable input on this exciting planning process!